Daughter of the moon

For as long as i remember I’ve always thought im the daughter of the moon, I’ve always thought that im the daughter of the moon I’ve been convinced that the stars are the love I’ve been looking for.

Everyday after the sunset i used to wear my prettiest dress, open my window and close my door waiting for my lover to sneak in and flirt with how pretty i look.

Everyday, after the sunset i used to run to my room on my tiptoes, so no one could see how you make me dance like a kid, singing me my favourite songs, playing with my skin leaving stardust behind.

There came a day, where i saw the sun hiding away, releasing you like a prisoner i went up to my room wore that lilac dress;the one you loved so much, and locked my door well and sat on the floor waiting for your light to hit my skin , waiting to be fed from your light.

You came sneaking tickling my skin, kissing every inch of it leaving me weak and begging for more; you always leave me begging for more. “Why you never stay?” I asked while tasting your love

“Sun never let me stay, sun never let me get enough of you” you said in my mouth blaming the sun.

I closed my eyes and hoped the night never ends, i closed my eyes and hoped you never go, i remember how you left stardust all over my body “its a star map so i never lose my way to you” you said, and like a meteor i fell for that, i fell hard and fast, but never thought you’d let me hit the ground I’ve always thought you’re an endless sky, an endless sky full of shiny stars.

You were kissing my neck leaving stardust on it, you were touching my body burning it and always thought it was burning because your love for me is too strong, like heroine your touches made me high powerful yet weak, but soberness came too early my dear and you left with no warning, “we’ll finish later, our love will be complete later” you said as climbing my window to get to the sky, left me on my knees begging you not to go but you left anyways “the sun my dear it will always tear us apart” those were your last words.

Im the daughter of the moon, his stars fuck me everyday, and sun keeps taking them away before our love is complete.

Im the daughter of the moon, its light tickles my skin everyday.

Im the daughter of the moon, for what else can i be without you?

Im the daughter of the moon, who tricked me and made me a total fool..

the moon who I’ve always thought is kind, the stars who made love to me and kissed my lips every night, never loved me instead planted darkness in me, always told me you’re making me shine, you’re feeding me love but how can someone who’s not even shining by its own make others shine? How can a thieve give what he stole? The only thing you own and gave me is darkness.

Im the daughter of the moon, the stardust you drew on my body left with the wind-its still dust in the end. It was never meant to stay, left with no warning just like you always do.

Always told me your love is burning my skin because its strong, but it was always the meteors, because how can something not there burn?

Im the daughter of the moon, whom its stars made love to me, Im the daughter of the moon that planted darkness deep in my soul.

Im the daughter of the moon, fell for the stars like leaves do when autumn arrives. And like the night vanishes when the sun comes, your love did, i fell for the stars forgetting they are dead i fell for the stars, and now my soul is just as dead.

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