
You say im a sunflower, a sunflower following your lead

You say im a sunflower, too strong, too tough to just follow fire wherever it goes

You say im a sunflower, too beautiful yet it doesn’t know that

And perhaps i am, i am a sunflower that followed the sun for the longest time til it got burned and died too many times

I could be a sunflower, a sunflower that no longer follows the sun’s lead

A sunflower that follows the moonlight, begs it to feed her the way the sun did

A sunflower that loved the moon a little too much, and accepted that it will never be really over the stars

A sunflower, that tried to be something it’s not

For the moon to just accept her

A sunflower that spent the night hoping and praying to be just a normal star, a star that the moon would light up during the night and protect when the sun comes up.

A sunflower, that was convinced it can satisfy your standers.

Maybe I’m just a sunflower, a sunflower that can never be something else

A sunflower that tried to create a whole plant for the moon to love her, but it never did-and it never will do.

Maybe I’m just a sunflower that hides from the sun, and hopes the moon would see how she’s trying, trying to be enough..

But how can just a sunflower ever be enough, when the moon has a lot of stars around it?

How can a sunflower blame the sun, when it also makes the moon shine?

Maybe i am a sunflower, too dull to realise the moon has a dark side.

But im just a sunflower, and you’re the moon, you love every star along the way, and adore the attention i give you-or maybe the way im different.

I’m just a sunflower and you’re the moon, you’ll never try to feed me from your light, and I’ll never be just a star.

I’m just a sunflower and you’re the moon, we were never meant to be from the very start.

Yet i tried.

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