The artist i loved.

They said fall in love with a singer, so he’d sing you to sleep, they said love him a singer so he’d sing his mistakes away whenever he makes you sad. They said love him a musician so he’d always play with his strings not with your heart, they said love him a musician so he’d always play you lullabies, love him a musician they said so he would always make you feel summer even in the coldest days.

They said love him a writer so he would write you poems, he would always make you feel loved, love him a writer they said so he would always make you feel like you’re living a fairytale. Love him a writer so he would write you bed time love stories

Love an artist they said so he would always decorate everything for you, would never play with your heart.

And so i loved a human painter, that drew flowers on my heart, and shiny stars on my ceiling so i would never be in the dark, i loved a painter who painted butterflies on my stomach and hickeys on my neck, i loved a painter who filled my lungs with the colour grey from his smoke, i loved a painter that painted clouds for me to jump in, and a ground full of red roses. I loved a painter and believed what they said that he would only play with colours and not my heart,til one day he decided that im full of colours and he no longer can paint on me, i loved a painter that caused me pain and left me to the dust to eat me.

They said love him an artist but how could’ve i known that a painter can paint my world all in dark, and a painter can get bored of his colours how could’ve i known that a painter always wants to draw new pieces.

I loved him at all costs, and i was that one loyal painting that wanted its painter to come and finish it but he never came he left that hole in me that white hole with no colour, and i saw him filling another.

They said love an artist at all costs and never mentioned that an artist could get bored and sell his piece for a cheap price.

Love him an artist they said and never mentioned that an artist could lose his inspiration.

I loved him an artist as they said, and ever since he got bored of me i never saw the sun rise nor the sunset, he painted that dark hole between my ribs and cut the roses he painted on my heart, i loved him a painter and after on he painted cloudy sky all above me ,i loved him a painter who knows how to paint pain and tears . I loved him a painter that painted my heart break perfectly.

I loved him a painter as they told me, and ever since then I’ve been in a well drawn pain, and between my curves he drew the scars and ever since not a single colour touched my heart.

1 Comment

  1. JustAGuy says:

    Beautiful writing

    Liked by 1 person

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